Minutes of the Sixth General Assembly

Brussels, Belgium, July 10, 2004, from 14 till 16h 

Present: More than 2/3rd of the members are present or represented (see annex 1). The GA has thus reached the quorum needed for amending the articles of association.

  1. Minutes of the Fifth General Assembly (Hirschluch, September 7, 2002)


  2. Report of the Board over the years 2002-2004

    The written report submitted by the Board is complemented by oral explanations given by representatives Marian Franz (UNONY) and Derek Brett (UNOG). The written report is given in annex 2.

    The GA approves the report.

  3. Finances
    1. The accounts for 2002 and 2003 (given in annex 3 and 4) are explained by the board and approved by the GA.
    2. The GA gives discharge to the board for the accounts of the years 2002 and 2003.
    3. The contributions of national movements over the years 1997-2003 (given in annex 5) are presented to the GA.
    4. The budgets for 2004, 2005, and 2006 are explained by the Board and are approved by the GA (annex 6).
    5. Fund raising. The board explains the fund raising efforts through the creation of a data base of Friends of CPTI. A response form and a leaflet about CPTI are distributed. The board asks the national movements to distribute the leaflet with their newsletter.
  4. Amendments of the articles of association (statutes)

    The board proposes amendments in the constitution. The articles and the amendments are discussed and approved as presented with some minor changes in articles 12 and 22. The final text (see annex 7) will be sent to the Federal Ministry of Justice and published at the cost of the association in the Bijlagen tot het Belgisch Staatsblad.

  5. By-elections

    Erik Hummels (chair), Phil Rimmer (member), and Bart Horeman (member) have resigned from their function as board member in the middle of their mandate of 4 years. The board proposes the following persons as board members for the remaining period of the mandate: Ricardo Esquivia (Colombia) and Carla Goffi (Belgium). The GA elects those two persons as board members by consensus. 

    In accordance with article 23 of the existing articles of association (article 24 of the amended articles) the board redistributes the tasks among the board members. Marian Franz explicitly states that she will be an acting chair person for the remaining two years.

    • Marian Franz (acting chair)
    • Hannelore Morgenstern-Przygoda (vice-chair)
    • Dirk Panhuis (secretary)
    • Pedro Otaduy (treasurer)
    • Ricardo Esquivia (member)
    • Carla Goffi (member)
    • Cosimo Tomaselli (member)

    The resignation of Erik Hummels, Bart Horeman, and Phil Rimmer, the election of Ricardo Esquivia and Carla Goffi, and the redistribution of tasks for the remainder of the mandate (2004-2006) will be sent by the secretary to the Federal Department of Justice for approval and publication in the Bijlagen tot het Belgisch Staatsblad.

  6. Discussion on further action

    Members and the board ask that relevant information about national developments be sent to the board for publication on the web site.

    The board asks that newsletters and other relevant information be sent to Derek Brett (UN representative in Geneva).

    Derek Brett will develop a data base of persons and organizations interested in the work of CPTI.

  7. Any other matter

    Acting Chair Marian Franz thanks Erik Hummels and Bart Horeman for their work on the board of CPTI.

    Marian C. Franz, acting chair

    Dirk Panhuis, secretary