Future activities


It was recommended that the Vth conference include a workshop on Conscience What is it? How does it function? How do you explain it to the public at large and to politicians?


There should also be reflection on whether we object to UN military forces. What are the differences between peace keeping and peace enforcing operations?


It would be useful to compose a book(let) containing precedents that can be used in discussions with politicians, churches the public, etc. There could be chapters on:

  1. Historical cases of WTR (See also Historically Speaking in E. Adamson, For Conscience Sake Victoria, 1984, pages 22-29. Some of these historical events are glorious moments in national histories
  2. Laws which in the past have existed recognising conscientious objection to war tax.
  3. Human Rights Declarations on CO
  4. Laws which exist now to protect the right of conscientious objection to military service, to compulsory taxation/insurances/retributions,
  5. Laws permitting taxpayers to direct part of their taxes to a particular fund or purpose.


Svend Henriksen promised to prepare a questionnaire about membership drive. VRAK agreed to distribute it. The questionnaire is printed in Appendix 2. Please use it for the evaluation of your own campaign and send your answers to Pedro Otaduy for possible discussion during the Vth conference and a copy to Svend.