As requested at the IIIrd International Conference in Aosta, a special effort was made to attract participants from Eastern Europe and the Third World. Even though their taxation structures are very different, they also have to deal with militarism (often as victims).
Arya Bardhway (Gandhi-in-Action, New Delhi, India) conducted workshop number 4 (Conscience as seen from the non-Western world). His trip was paid for with donations by the other participants at the conference and the Dutch Peace Tax Fund.
Cesar Flores (Honduras Mennonite Church) could come thanks to the funds raised in the USA by Marian Franz.
Two representatives from the Green Earth Organisation, PO Box 16641, Accra-North, Ghana, had to cancel their trip due to health problems.
K. Jayakar Babu (International Fellowship of Reconciliation, 17 Balfour Road, Kilpark, Madras 600 010, India) also had to cancel his voyage at the last moment.