Following the selection process started in Vierhouten (1988) and the decision taken in Aosta (1990) the Dutch BWD distributed information on the Innu campaign against NATO low-level flights above their territories in Labrador, Canada. The national campaigns published this information around December 10, 1991 (Human Rights Day) and sent their contribution to the Innu. As far as known the following amounts have been sent. (The figures are conversions from other currencies and thus approximations.
- Australia: $200
- Belgium: $500
- Denmark: $150
- Germany: $600
- Italy: $7,900
- Netherlands: $500
- Spain: $1,541
- Sweden: $800
- UK: $4,100
- USA: $200
Total amount: $16,491
Apparently, it was sometimes difficult to get the money to the Innu, e.g. VRAK sent the money in December 1991, but got it back through the bank in August 1992.Finally Marya Nyland took the money in cash with her in November 1992 after the conference and deposited it for the Innu. Up till now it is not clear whether the Innu received all the money.
From the reactions of the national movements the Dutch BWD concluded that the project was evaluated as very positive and that a project should be chosen again.
Before the conference two projects were proposed in writing: Peace Brigades International in Sri Lanka and Neve Shalom/Wahat al Salam in Israel.
At the conference the British group proposed to support one of the peace centres in former Yugoslavia where a lot of healing and bridge-building between population groups has to be done. As this proposal was not yet well defined and as the British were ready to work on it, the Conference decided that this kind of project could be chosen at the next conference in 1994.
Now the choice was made to support the PBI project in Sri Lanka. The Flemish VRAK agreed to collect updated information, not on the Vedchi training centre, but on the need for a vehicle/motorbikes for escorting groups and barristers in conflict areas. VRAK will send the information and form of payment to the groups by mid 1993.