(In Belgium Francs)
- Lodging and meals Jacques Brel for participants and interpreters - 165.274 BEF
- Excursion: bus and guide - 12.100
- Administration: preparation, mailings,... - 40.282
- Proceedings: paper and mailing - 14.300
- Transportation: interpreters, NATO, EP - 5.140
- Main speaker - 2.000
- Staff - 30.000
- Travel Indian participant - 36.300
- Interpretation equipment - 20.000
- Gifts interpreters - 5.410
- Other: video, drinks, phones, copies - 4.872
Total Expense: 335.678 BEF
- Participants' contribution: lodging, meals, excursion - 137.509 BEF
- Participants' contribution to travel fund - 35.625
- Gift: Joseph Rowntree Charitable Fund - 87.249
- Gift: VAKA and H. Ongena - 30.000
- Gift: Anonymous - 5.000
- Gift: Priests and rel. for justice and peace - 3.000
- Gift: E. Pearson - 2.967
- Other - . 675
Total Income: 302.025 BEF
Deficit: 33.653